Nov 1, 2011

Health wellness

Thinking about the beginning of the semester, me and a friend decided to stay healthier and be ready for 5K run in Nov.

Today is the Nov 1st. and the race is only 4days away.
I have been working out constantly since this summer, so from June, and lost 30lb of weight.
I think I should keep notes what I did and what gave me energy to do, to make my future life better.

So, I had guilt since I can remember being ballet. I always tried to lose weight but never thought to be healthy. At that time, I was skinny enough actually, 120lb and 5.4tall. But I wasn't self confidence at all. Then, I moved to the U.S. and with all the junk food, I gained 30lb and lost my mind.
After a while I felt like to be just healthy. and started working out!

1, I kept notes for what I ate. All the food or drinks that has calories. I called it health note. When I can, I put the calories next to the food so I can count them even roughly. I wish I have my iPhone here and able to use apps. but I like my way too.

2, I took "Multivitamin for her" pill everyday. To keep truck, I also put circle on my health note. Because I am kinda anemic, I think it helped me staying nourished enough. As a consequence, I made my first success at blood drive, which I always failed!

3, I exercised almost everyday. even for 30min, it released stress for sure. I always realize that it's so hard to burn calories with work out, so why do I need to take unnecessary calories from crappy food? I liked muscle training too. I made my weight training circuit and I did them one body part a time and switch every day or every other day. I loved the way I can see the result. If I push myself harder, I really can see the result!!

4, When I get tired of being on the treadmill, I went to outside. My favorite is track. I like to see the distance I went. right before the sunset, it's so beautiful!

5, I made a promise that I won't have any pop drink but 1 every month. I don't know for sure, but I believe, pop have some sort of special power. even I take diet, I feel like it's going to my fatty tissue.

6, Eat healthy. I think I took advantage for being on meal plan. I went to cafe a lot for lunch and dinner. and ate sandwich or bagle and salad a lot. No dessert too.

7, I found super cool website,
  This girl, Taralynn McNitt, she is young, but has really good knowledge and motivation for being healthy. She is awesome! and boosts me to go for it!

8, I also got motivation from, being surrounded among things I love, just makes me happier. Also, the category for fitness has good tips or workout menu.

9, Also, watched the reality show "biggest loser" they are inspiring a lot! and available on netflix :)

Whenever I faced to the temptation, I tried to be relaxed. Sometimes I failed, but I don't want to quit being healthy. My goal for now is be a coolest 80years toned lady!
Changing life will take longer time, so I will continue!

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